Securely manage your
Nerves devices
with confidence

Nerves Cloud helps you manage and support your Nerves IoT devices.

Sign up for early access

Pricing built for scale

Perfect for your hobby project, or your growing production fleet.


$0 /month

Built for devs who are getting started with Nerves, or undertaking some R&D with a bigger idea in mind.

  • 10 devices
  • Over-the-air updates
  • Remote iex device consoles
  • Device deployment automation
  • Community support


Coming soon

For growing production device fleets that require extra security and connection resilence.

  • Unlimited devices
  • Certificate authentication
  • Priority support
  • Single sign-on

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?
Send us an email at

Are you connected with the Nerves project?
Several of the Nerves Cloud team are core contributors to various Nerves projects.
Didn't there use to be a hosted NervesHub?
The hosted NervesHub was run by another company who decided to focus on development for clients, and was subsquently shut down in 2022.
Why should I use Nerves Cloud?

We understand that a big part of the Nerves ecosystem is NervesHub, but setting up and managing a NervesHub for a hobby project, or while a project is in R&D, adds unwanted complexity.

Let us manage the infrastructure while you focus on your devices firmware development.